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Facts Of Africa

                     Interesting facts related to Africa

Facts Of Africa,history of africa,highest mountain of africa
Africa Map image
Here i am telling you some such interesting facts related to Africa.  You might not know about them…

  1. This continent with diverse cultures is a treasure of natural resources.  This is the reason tourists are forced to come here.
  2. Africa is one of the 7 continents of the world.  This continent with diverse cultures is a treasure of natural resources.  This is the reason tourists are forced to come here.
  3.  Africa is the second largest continent in the world in terms of both size and population.
  4. Islam is the main religion here.  Christianity comes in second place here.  Apart from this, Arabic is also widely spoken in Africa.
  5.  Africa is the smallest coast despite being the second largest continent in the world.
  6.  Nigeria has the largest population (154.7 million).  It represents 18% of the total population of Africa.
  7.  The world's tallest and largest animal, the Giraffe and the African elephant, also belong to Africa.
  8. The world's longest river 'Nile' and the largest desert 'Sahara' are also here.
  9. Algeria is the largest country in Africa by land area.
  10. The world's hottest place 'Ethiopia' is also in Africa.

The second largest continent in the world is Africa which is separated from Europe by the Strait of Gibraltar.

  •  To the east of Africa is the Indian Ocean and to the west is the Atlantic Ocean.
  •  Africa is the only peninsula through which equinoxes, Cancer circles and Capricorn circles pass.
  •  The equator line passes through Victoria, Africa's largest lake, and from it, the world's longest river, the Nile River, flows into the Mediterranean Sea.
  •  The main primitive species found in Africa are Bushman (Kalahari), Pygmy (Congo Basin), Baddu (Sahara Desert).
  •  The Congo River in Africa cuts the equator and the Limpopo river cuts the Makar Line twice.
  •  The Transvaal region of Africa is famous for zebras and giraffe animals.
  •  The tropical grasslands of Africa are called Swana and the temperate grasslands are known as welds.
  •  The longest rail route in Africa is the Cape Cairo Railroad which runs from the city of Cape Town in the Republic of South Africa to the city of Cairo in Egypt.
  •  Egypt has a Suez Canal that connects the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea.  This canal was constructed in 1869 AD, due to which the distance from Europe to India is saved by 7000 km.  Its length is 168 km.
  • The Suez Canal was nationalized in 1956 by Egypt.  Port Suez is at the southern end of the Suez Canal and Port Said at the northern end.
  • A bird named Ostrich is found in the Kalahari Desert of Africa.
  • Kimberley mine in Africa (South Africa) is the world's largest diamond mine.
  • The world's largest diamond (3106 carat) was discovered by Sir Thomas Cullinan from South Africa's premier mine in January 1905, hence it was named Kulistan Hira.
  • The world's largest desert Sahara (84 lakh sq km) is located in North Africa.  Chad Lake is the main lake located in this desert.  Kalahari is a desert in southern Africa.
  • Abyssinia plateau and South Africa plateau are located in Africa.
  • Johannesburg in South Africa, Swarnagar and Kimberley are called Hero's cities.
  • Southern Africa produces 90 percent of the world's chromium.
  • Blaufountain is the judicial capital of Southern Africa.
  • Kenya is the largest tea producing country in Africa.
  • Tunisia is the highest olive producing country in Africa.
  • Stanley Falls is located on the Congo River and Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River.
  • The origin of the Nile is Lake Victoria.  The Aswan Dam is built on the Nile River.
  • The Zaire River flowing in Central Africa drains a large amount of water (the highest water in Africa's rivers) into the Atlantic Ocean.  It is also known as Congo River in its last part.
  • The largest city on the Nile River is Cairo.
  •  The 6 countries of Africa, Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe are called front-line states.
  •  Horn of Africa is called the eastern part of Africa.  It mainly consists of countries called Ethiopia, Somalia and Djibouti.
  • The countries of the continent of Africa on the equator are Gabon, Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya and Somalia.
  • Antwerp (Belgium) is the world's largest center of diamond trade.
  • Egypt is the main palm producing country of Africa.  In Egypt, the farmer is called Fellah.
  • The country known as Gold Coast is Ghana.
  • In Africa, coals are produced from a plant called sisal.
  • Africa is called blind continent because it is very backward in the field of arti, social, industrial, cultural and education.
  • Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa.
  • Libya is the most urbanized country in Africa.
  •  The Niger River in the continent of Africa is called the river of palm oil.
  •  Egypt is called the junction of the continent of Asia and Europe.
  •  Africa is the only continent from which both the Cancer and Capricorn line are kidney.
  •  The country of Congo is called the country of forests.  This country has the highest potential of hydro power in the world.
  •  Kahuna is cultivated by the Chagall tribe on the eastern slope of Kilimanjaro.
  • The longest river in the world, the Nile River (4,132 miles) flows into Africa.
  • The area of ​​the Sahara Desert is approximately equal to the United States.
  • The largest waterfall in Africa is Victoria Fall, which is 355 feet high and 1 mile wide.
  • Madagascar is Africa's largest and fourth-ranked island in the world.
  • Africa is the second largest continent of the Earth, spread over 11.7 million square miles.
  • Africa is the hottest continent in the world.
  • Sudan is the largest country in Africa (968,000 sq mi) and Seychelles is the smallest country.
  • Africa covers 6 percent of the total land.
  • The largest city on the continent of Africa is Cairo Cairo.
  • The largest elephant in the world is the African elephant.
  •  The world's highest animal giraffe lives in Africa.
  •  The world's fastest running animal, the cheetah, lives in Africa.
  • Africa is home to the largest Nile crocodile in the world.
  • The gorilla found in the jungles of the continent is the largest Primate in the world.
  • Arabic is the most spoken language in Africa.
  • South Africa has the highest GDP in Africa and Guinea Bissau has the lowest.
  • The shortest distance between Africa and Europe is 14.3 km which is in the sea.
  • Lake Victoria is the second largest freshwater lake in the world.
  • Hippopotamus is the most dangerous animal in Africa that kills more humans than crocodiles and lions.
  •  Football and cricket are the two main sports of Africa. These two games were started here in the colonial era
  •  The number of Facebook users in Africa is more than 100 million.
  •  More than 90 percent of malaria cases in the world come from Africa, 3000 children die of disease every year.
  •  One in every four people in Swaziland, Africa is HIV positive.
  •  The number of French speakers in Africa is more than in France.
  •  Egypt is the most popular tourist destination of Africa where 1 crore tourists come every year.
  •  Women of Mursi tribe of Africa wear a five inch plate with their lips.
  •  In Africa, 41 percent of children aged 5 to 14 do child labor.
  •  Every year 46 elephants are killed in Africa.
  •  Ancient humans lived in the country of Ethiopia in Africa, which is about 2 lakh years old.
  •  Africa's population is about 14.72 percent of the world population.
  •  Islam is the most regarded religion in Africa, followed by Christianity.
  • More than 1000 languages ​​are spoken in Africa and some facts tell its number till 2000.
  •  The continent of Africa is the second largest continent in the world in terms of population, with a population of about 1 billion.

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