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Interesting Fact Of France

                                 Historical Fact Of France

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 France is a country located in the continent of Western Europe.  Many parts of this country surrounded by sea on three sides are in other parts of the world.

 The culture, historical heritage and tourist destination of France has always been a center of attraction for people from all over the world.  The fashion, music, art, food here is world famous.  It is the most visited country in the world.

 * The first violence of the French Revolution of 1789 took place in a luxury wallpaper factory.

 France's world famous museum 'Louvre' was originally built in the year 1190 as a defense against the vicious Viking raids of the time.

 * More rules of the game sometimes make the game fun.  But this is not the case with French traditional ball game 'boules'.  The rule book of this interesting game is 70-page long.

 One of the four "Grand Slam" tennis events, the French Open is played each year on the Clay Court at Roland Garros Stadium in Paris.

 * Tour de France, the world's most famous bicycle race, was started in France in the year 1903.  This multiple-stage bicycle race was started by a French journalist and cyclist named Henri Desgranges with the aim of promoting his newspaper.

 * France looks like a hexagon in shape.  Therefore, it is also called the hexagon.

 * Paris, the capital of France, was originally a Roman city, known as "Lutetia".

 * France has 44 UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

 * The Louvre Museum in Paris attracts the largest number of tourists from all over the world.  It is the most visited museum in the world.  The number of tourists visiting here is more than 9 million annually.

 * The famous MonaLisa Painting is in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

 * The Statue of Liberty was a gift given by the French people to the United States of America (USA).  It was built by Gustave Eiffel, who also built the Eiffel Tower.

 * Despite being popular worldwide, the Eiffel Tower is not the most visited monument in the city of Paris.  The honor goes to the Cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris located in Paris.

 * The world's first Solar Panel Road is in France.  In 2016, the 1-kilometer (0.62 mi) long road called 'Wattway' in Normandy Village was inaugurated.  There are 2800 Photovoltaic Panels in this road.

 * There is a point in the city of Paris from which the distance of all the roads of France can be measured.  The name of this point is 'zero point'.  This point is marked with an octagonal plate of bronze.  It is situated on the pavement near the main entrance of Notre Dame Cathedral.

 * Despite heavy traffic, there is only one "Stop Sign" in the entire city of Paris.

 * The oldest bridge in France is named "New Bridge".  The bridge is located in Paris and its French name is "Pont Neuf", which means "new bridge".

 * The busiest railway station in Europe is the Paris Gare du Nord railway station in Paris, capital of France.  Every year 190 million passengers pass through this station.

 * The Provence region of France is known for its lavender fields.  During spring, this area is a paradise for such tourists, who are interested to see the beautiful purple fields and enjoy the wonderful fragrance.

 * Southern Paris main thoroughfares and paths have many tombs below, where the remains of more than 6 million people are buried.

 * France is far ahead in terms of inventions.  Parachutes, hot air balloons, motion picture cameras, inflatable tires for bicycles and cars have been invented in France.

 * Cell Phone Camera Invention was invented in France.  It was invented in the year 1997 by Philippe Kahn.

 * Louis Pasteur, the scientist who invented the process of pasteurization, was of French origin.

 * The Metric System of Weights and Measures was developed in France during the French Revolution in the year 1793.

 France is the first country in the world to introduce the concept of license plate for automobiles, which introduced this concept in 1893.

 * The world's first artificial heart transplant was done in Paris in December 2013.

 * In 1795, Napolian Bonaparte announced a 12,000-franc award to the inventor of a way to preserve food and make it portable.  A Parisian confectioner experimented for 15 years and won the award.

 * France is the second largest producer of wine in the world (according to 2019 figures).  Every year 7-8 billion bottles of wine are produced here.  Many of these wines are sold internationally at hefty prices, while the rest are consumed locally in the country.  (The largest producer of wine is Italy.) Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, Loire and Provence are the names of the wine manufacturing regions of France.

 * Champagne is produced only in a specific Champagne region of France.  Alcohol produced in any other region is not called 'Champagne'.

 * Consumption of alcohol is very high in France.  It drinks 11.2 billion glasses of wine every year.

 * Paris has more than 1,500 bike stations.  You can rent a bike for one day from any of these stations at the cost of one euro and return the bike to another station.

 * Horse and rabbit food is quite common in France.  You can easily find these items on the menu of the restaurant.

 * France is one of the countries where beer is served at MacDonald’s.  Other countries are: Germany, Austria, Spain, Spain and Netherlands.

 * French Fries and French Toast are not French inventions.

 * In France, wine is free with every meal and beer is considered luxury.

 * There is one person in Paris - Jim Haynes, who has been inviting strangers to dinner every week for the past 30 years.

 * In France, every person eats an average of 500 snails per year.

 * French is an official language in many countries, including: Canada, Switzerland, Congo and Luxembourg.  It is also the second most read language after English, and is the mother tongue of over 75 million people worldwide.

 * French was the official language of England for over 300 years.

 * The term "Entrepreneur" originated in France in the 13th century.  It is made up of the word 'enterprendre', which meant - 'to do something'

 * World Wide Web started providing online service in France many years ago.  Since the year 1980, users had been given access to online shopping, search engines, porn and message boards under the 'Minitel' service in France.  The service reached 25 million users by connecting over 23,000 services in the 90s

 The Nobel Prize for Literature has been won by the French litterateurs.

 * The record for writing the world's longest novel is in the name of French writer Marcel Proust.  The world's longest novel, Remembrance of Things Past, written by him, has 3000 pages.  It is divided into 13 sections and has thousands of characters.

 * In France, it is illegal to name the pig as "Napolian".

 * French national anthem "La Marseillaise" was written in 1792 and in 1795 it was officially declared the national anthem.

 * France's urban population is more than the rural population.  Here urban population is 85% as compared to rural 15%.

 * The number of people who believe in religion in France is very less.  Here 29% of the total population are atheists and 63% of the population does not believe in any religion.  Only 8% of the population has faith in religion.

 * The life expectancy of men in France is 78 years, while the life expectancy of women is 84 years.

 * The average person in France sleeps 8.83 hours per day, the highest in the developed world.

 * The percentage of disability in France is very high.  Here 1 in every 10 people is crippled.

 * The French government honors parents who have raised and or cared for 4 or more children.  This award is being given from 26 May 1920.

 * Children's beauty pageant is banned in France.  Conducting this can result in up to 2 years in prison and a fine of € 30,000.

 * It was illegal for 214 years for women to wear pants in Paris.  This law was abolished in the year 2012.

 * Despite being famous for romance around the world, kissing by lovers on railway platforms in France is illegal.  In this regard, a law was made in France in the year 1910.

 In France, it is illegal to publish photographs of handcuffed suspects, as they are not convicted until proven.

 * In France, it is illegal to take photographs of police officers or their vehicles, even in the background.

 * Etiquette matters a lot in France.  So much so that if you did not say "hello" and "please" in the coffee shop, then the price of coffee is increased.  In this way, it is expensive not to practice etiquette here.

 * In France, anyone over 14 years can drive a VSP car without a license.

 * April Fool Day, celebrated as 'Fool's Day' all over the world, started in 1582 in France.

 * The first Cannes Film Festival to be held in France due to World War II was canceled after screening of just one film.

 * France is the first country in the world to ban the throwing of unsold food by supermarkets.  This ban continues from February 2016.  From then on, unsold edible foods are donated or given to food banks.

 In order to reduce obesity, France has banned free refills in fast food restaurants in the year 2015.

 * In France, at least 40% of the music played on private radio stations must be French music.  Out of this 40% quota of French music, 50% music should not be more than 6 months old.

 * On average, two kitchen / cooking books are published in France every day.

 * Around 96% of French high schools have condom vending machines.

 * Around 200,000 euros have to be paid to obtain a license to drive a taxi in Paris, the capital of France.

 * In France marriage to a dead person is also legally possible.  The purpose of making this system is to give legal rights to children whose father died before marrying their mother.

 * From January 1, 2017, every person in France has become an organ-donor.  If he does not want to donate his organs, he has to sign in the 'National Rejection Register', which the team of doctors checks before the organ donation of the deceased person.  This system is also applicable in Spain (Sapin), Belgium (Belgium), Portugal (Portugal).

 * The word "France" derives from the Latin word 'Francia'.  Which literally means Land of Franks.

 * France occupied 8% of the world's land at one stage of history.

 * France is one of the 5 permanent members of the European Union.  In 1993 France became a founding member of the European Union, a group of 28 countries to promote peace, democracy and economic stability.

 French is the official language of France.  Despite this, French-speaking people are more in Africa than France.

 * Out of all the countries celebrating Independence Day, 26 countries have become independent from France.

 * Between 1814 and 1830, the French Offical Flag of France was a plain white color without any color, symbol and border.  The current flag of France was created in 1794 during the French Revolution.  This flag is designed as a tricolor with vertical stripes of blue, white and red.

 The French Civil Code is mainly based on the Napolian Code introduced by Napolian Bonaparte, which was created in the year 1804 after the French Revolution.

 * The youngest French President is Emmanuel Macron, who became President of France on 14 May 2017 at the age of just 39.

* The official motto of the French Republic was "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", first popularized during the French Revolution of 1789.

 * France has 12 time zones, which is the highest in any country of the world.

 * France has the third largest percentage of migrants in the world.  The first place is in the United States of America and Canada in the second place.  A large number of immigrants have come mainly from the former colonies of France.

 * Gallic rooster is the national animal of France.  It is marked on stamps, coins and even the official seal of the French Republic.

 * The highest mountain in France is Mont Blanc.  Its height is 15,774 feet above sea level.  It is part of the French Alps mountain range.

 * Longest river of France is Loire.  Its length is 634 miles.  It is the 171st longest river in the world.  It irrigates an area of ​​117054 square kilometers in France.

The Guinness Book of World Records of the world's oldest person is named after a French woman named Jeanne Calment, who lived for 122 years and 164 days (1875–1997).

 * Before 1965, French women were not allowed to work outside without the permission of the husband.  In 1965, this right was granted to women by the French government.

 * Even before 1964, French women were not allowed to open bank accounts without the permission of the husband.

 * In France, the tradition of wearing white wedding suits on the occasion of marriage has been going on since the year 1499.

 Potato farming was banned in France between the years 1748 and 1772.  It was believed that the consumption of potato causes leprosy.

 * France is the world's top producer of electricity using Nuclear Energy.  Here 71.6% (379.1 TWh) of the total power generated (Electricity) 519.4 TWh is produced from nuclear power.

 * Paris, the capital of France, is the first capital of Western countries, where the Mayor of African descent was appointed.  In the year 1879, 'Severiano de Heredia' of African descent was appointed Mayor of Paris.

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