Interesting facts of Russia
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Most people continue to sing the praises of America and Europe. When asked about Russia or Russia, we do not have any specific information. Either the media is not interested in Russia or Russia hides itself from the eyes of the media. Know such facts about Russia in this article that will surprise you.
1. Russia is the largest country in the world by area, with an area of 17,075,400 sq km.
2. Russia is larger than the planet Pluto in terms of area.
3. Russia is 1 / 7th of our earth and its border countries are more than any other countries on the earth.
4. Russia is a transcontinental country with half of its population in the Northern Hemisphere and in Eastern and Northeastern Europe and the whole of North Asia.
5. In 1867, America bought Alaska from Russia for only 45 crore 81 lakh rupees.
6. It is believed that Viking Rurik arrived in Russia in 862 and got the first Russian dynasty in Novgorod.
7. Russia has 14 border countries:
Northwest Border - Norway and Finland
Western Border - Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania
South Western Border - Georgia, Azerbaijan
South Border - Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and North Korea.
8. The name Russia is derived from Rus. The country was called "Русская Земля" (russkaja zemlja) by its inhabitants, which translates to "Russian land" or "Land of Rus".
9. Main period of Russian history;
Period before Rurik (from ancient times to 8th century)
Ancient Rus Kingdom (from 9th to 12th century)
Russian Land Unification Period (13th to 15th Century)
Moscow state period (16th century)
Time of revolution (17th century)
Russian Empire period (18th to early 20th century)
Soviet State Period (1917 to 1991)
Period of the Russian Federation (1991 to present day)
10. Siberia has more than 25% of the world's forest.
11. Siberia expands 5.2 million square miles, which is equivalent to about 9 percent of the earth's drylands.
12. The Moscow metro system is the fastest means of traffic. Trains are scheduled every 90 seconds during peak hours.
13. The St. Petersburg metro is the deepest metro in the world, its deepest station Admiralteyskaya is 86 meters below the ground.
14. Moscow has the highest number of 74 millionaires in the world, which is three times the number of new york, which is second in this list.
15. In 1908, the Imperial Russian Olympic team arrived 12 days late for their game because they were not using the Gregorian calendar.
16. In Russia, more than 9 million people ride the metro every day.
17. In Russian, 'a' or 'the' is not used which is also good, this causes a lot of doubt in other languages.
18. Russian language uses cyrillic letters instead of Latin which is one of the 5 most spoken languages in the world.
19. Urals is the oldest mountain in the world in Russia.
20. Russia's Baikal Lake is the world's deepest and largest reservoir.
21. The Russian State Library is the largest in Europe and second in the world after the Library of Congress of USA.
22. Russia is a mixture of multi-nationalities and cultures, which is found in more than 100 nationalities, among which Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, scholars, Bashkirs are prominent.
23. Many great artists, scientists and writers have been born in Russia, some of whom are prominent Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Aivazovsky and Vasnetsov, Gogol and Turgenev, Lomonosov and Karamzin.
24. Russia has the world's largest active volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka with a height of 4,750 meters.
25. The male life expectancy in Russia is 63, rather that of female is 75.
26. The number of women is 10 million more than men, it is believed that such a situation occurred after the death of man in the world war.
27. The word vodka has its origin from voda which means water.
28. Vodka began in Russia between 1448 and 1474.
29. Russia used to have 11 time zones which have been reduced to 9 which is more than any country.
30. Eating and drinking in a coffee house in Russia is free but you have to pay a fee to spend time here. To spend a minute in this cafe you have to pay about 1 to 3 rubles. This idea was first born in China.
31. The Volga is the longest river in Europe with a length of 3,690 km. The river flows from central Russia into the Caspian Sea, and is also called the National River of Russia.
32. One third of Russia is covered with trees and its forests are more than 22% of the world's trees.
33. In Russia, alcohol causes more than 5,00,000 deaths per year.
34. Traffic in Moscow is so bad that rich people use fake ambulances to avoid jam.
35. Mcdonald is the world's busiest in Pushkinskaya square in Moscow, with 700 seats in and 200 out. It was once the world's largest McDonald's.
36. People in Russia never give flowers in equal numbers to each other, it is considered inauspicious and associated with funerals.
37. In Russia, it is customary to wear a wedding ring in the ring finger of the right hand but in the other countries including Germany, India, Spain, Ukraine and Poland.
38. The first artificial satellite of Earth was Sputnik Russian which was sent to space on October 4, 1957 and started the space age.
39. The most famous computer game Tetris was created in 1985 by Russian programmer Alexei Pazhitnov. Which was first available in the Soviet Union, and began to be played in the West after 1986.
40. Russian chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev, discovered the periodic table of elements that the world uses.
41. In St. Petersburg, more than 100 festivals, competitions of different trends of culture and art are organized every year.
42. Russia has 27 Russian Nobel Prize winners with some prominent names being Bunin, Pasternak, Gorbachev, Landau, Sakharov, Solgenitsin and Kapitsa.
43. In the 18th century, Russia was the third largest empire in the history of the Earth, covering an area ranging from Poland in Europe to Alaska in North America.
44. Seven cities are located in the Golden Ring of Russia.
45. In Russia, in the last days of June you can see the incident of white night of science, in which the night is more bright than the day, as if the sun has not set.
46. Hermitage is one of the largest museums in the world. The museum houses three million artifacts from the Stone Age to the modern era.
47. In Russia, guests are highly respected when a guest arrives, offering to offer at least one coffee or tea with cookies, if it does not, it is considered against the culture.
48. Russia is the second largest producer of oil in the world after Saudi Arabia, producing an average of 9,900,000 barrels of crude oil per day.
49. The land area of Russia is 1.8 times larger than the total size of the United States.
50. St. Petersburg has 221 museums, 2,000 libraries, more than 80 theaters, 100 concert organizations, 45 galleries, 62 theaters and 80 clubs.
51. The literacy rate of Russia is very good. This is about 99.7%. There is hardly anyone who does not know how to read and write.
52. The Trans-Siberian Railway is the largest railway line in the world. This railway line of Russia is one of the busiest railway lines in the world. The total length of the Trans-Siberian Railway is 9,289 km.
53. The problem of clean fresh water is a concern in all countries of the world. In this case, nature is kind to Russia. Russia accounts for 20% of the total freshwater source in the world in only one lake. The name of this lake is Lake Baikal. It is also the deepest lake in the world.
54. Russia has given thousands of important inventions to the world such as transformers, tape recorders, helicopters, synthetic rubber, infusion welding, radiators, telegraphs, powder milk etc. In 1957, the world's first satellite Sputnik was also made and sent into space.
55. The world's largest bomb Tsar Bomba is near Russia. Tsar Bomba's unique firepower can be gauged from the fact that it is 1400 times more powerful than the atomic bomb used in Hiroshima Nagasaki. This single bomb is equivalent to 10 times the total bombs used in World War II.
56. Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world (about 8500). Russia is also the second largest arms exporter in the world.
57. Russia is the only country in the world whose borders touch 14 countries. These countries are; Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, China, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Poland, Mongolia, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Georgia, Finland.
58. Russia is almost twice bigger than USA. Russia is so big that there are 11 different time zones here.
59. The total area of Russia is more than the planet Pluto. Russia's length-width is about 10,000 kilometers, which is about three times the diameter of the moon.
60. Russia has a wealth of natural resources. The amount of petroleum, mineral elements, etc., of Russia, is worth more than $ 75 trillion. There are so many oil pipelines spread in Russia that the world can be wrapped 6 times.
61. Russia has the largest source of Natural Gas in the world. Russia is also the largest exporter of natural gas. Russia has the second largest coal reserves in the world. Russia also has the 8th largest source of petroleum.
62. Russia's administrative divisions include 21 autonomous republics, 49 oblasts or provinces, 6 territories (kray), 10 autonomous regions (okrug) and 1 autonomous oblast.
63. The Ural mountain is considered a precious stone jewelry box among the Russians, as the depth of these mountains contains more than 200 minerals and precious stones which include asbestos, rock crystals, malachite, barrels, jasper, zircon, gold.
64. Tsar Kolokol bell, the world's largest bell, is in the Kremlin, Russia. It was built in 1735 which soon broke down. It has never been played.
65. Tsar Kolokol bell is 6.14 meters high and weighs 223 tons.
66. 10% of the area of St. Petersburg is covered by water.
67. The Olympic Mishka was made the mascot at the 1980 Moscow Moscow Olympics. Misha was the world's first mascot to achieve commercial success.
68. Chelsea is Russia's best-known football club, founded in 1905 and purchased in 2003 by Russian businessman Roman Abramovich.
69. The Siberian Plain is the largest plain on earth.
70. Painted wooden spoon in Russia is used in portable musical instruments rather than food.
71. Lapti is a typical Russian shoe which was more popular among Russian farmers.
72. Russia was the first country to send the dog Laika into space.
73. Russia has 40 UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and 23 World Heritage Sites.
74. In 1918 the Russian royal family was executed in Yekaterinburg.
75. The main metals and mineral elements found in abundance in Russia are as follows. Copper, limestone, gold, magnesium, mica, aluminum, cobalt, coal, boron, arsenic, titanium, nickel, steel, bauxite, vanadium, tin, tungsten, potash, cadmium, petroleum, phosphate etc.
76. Russia has about 40% of the world's total gold source. Russia's company named Rusal produces 11% of the world's total aluminum production alone.
77. 25% of the production of industrial diamond in the world comes from Russia. In addition, Russia supplies 25% of the world's stock in the field of expensive gems and stones.
78. Of the 10 largest rivers in the world, 4 are in Russia only. Siberia's forests cover about a fifth of the total forest found in the world.
79. Russia is the only nation in the world whose borders touch 12 seas.
80. Moscow Christ Cathedral can hold up to 5,000-6,000 people at a time. It is the tallest and largest Orthodox Church in the world.
81. Russians consider it inauspicious to shake hands at the door and consider it as the reason for dispute.
82. Moscow is the largest city in Europe with a population of 10.5 million which can be up to 16 million in 2020.
83. Pluto has an area of 16.6 million sq km, ahead of Russia's area of 17 million sq km.
84. Russia has the highest 695 tonnes of uranium (HEU) in the world, the US is second with 604 tonnes.
85. Russia has the second largest natural gas reserves in the world with 1,163 trillion cubic feet.
86. In Russia, 3.2 million barrels of oil are used per day, at this pace it will take 75 years to spend this reserves.
87. Russia consumes 3.051 pounds per person, compared to 0.503 pounds consumed in the USA.
88. US purchased Alaska in 1868 from Russia for $ 7.2 million.
89. The distance between Russia and the United States is 4 km.
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