George Washington
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George Washington (born: February 22, 1832 death: December 14, 1894) was the first President of the United States. He led the American army and conquered Britain in the American Revolution (185-173). them In 179, America's first president was elected.
George Washington fined millions of dollars
Managers of New York's oldest library say that the first president of the United States, George Washington, took two books from this library in 1789 but did not return.
According to the New York Society Library, George Washington has been fined three million dollars for not returning these books in 220 years, keeping inflation in mind.
However, library officials say that they have no meaning with the amount of fine, they just want their books back.
It is said that George Washington never used to lie but a BBC correspondent says that he too had some weaknesses.
According to Madeline Maurice, a BBC correspondent in Washington, George Washington had on five October 1789 two books from the only library in Manhattan at the time, one of which was the text of a debate in the British Parliament and the other was about the international subject of 'Laws'. Of nations'.
George Washington did not even write his own name while issuing these books, but one of his companions has written "President" instead of the name of the person who took the book.
Both these books were to be returned after a month but these books could not be returned and that is why late fees are being imposed on them since that time.
The library people came to know about this when they were putting the data of the register at that time on the computer.
Interesting facts related to the life of George Washington
1. George Washington was the first President not only of America but of the whole world, who held the post of President of America from 30 April 1789 to 3 March 1797.
2. The first President of America did not attend college, but he served in the British Military. George Washington fought from France on behalf of the British Army, but he was defeated in this battle, after which a 7-year long war started.
3. George Washington was the first President to receive 100% electoral votes.
4. George Washington has been the only President to have led the Army while in office. According to American Public Law, no officer of the American Army can be greater than the past, present and future Lieutenant General George Washington in the ranks.
5. During the last days of his presidency, he was severely criticized in the press due to his excessive monarchical attitude.
6. According to Joseph H. Ellis's book "His Excellence: George Washington", he lost more battles than the battles he won in his life.
7. During the time of George Washington, the disease of smallpox was taking a formidable form. So many soldiers were not killing in the fight, who were dying of smallpox and it had taken the form of an epidemic. At this time, George Washington decided to vaccinate his entire army, which led to a drastic reduction in the number of people dying from the disease. According to some reports, the death rate had come down from 17% to 1%. This decision of George Washington is called the most outstanding decision of that time.
8. History is replete with stories of military commanders such as Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte and Mao Zedong who had gained power but George surrendered this power to the Congress. George had deep faith in democracy and in doing so he gave his message to the whole world.
9. The hair seen in George Washington's photos is not fake, but he grew his hair and used to whiten the hair with powder.
10. George Washington was very fond of writing letters, according to reports, he wrote letters in his life from 18000 to 20000. On writing a letter every day, only 365 letters can be written in a year.
11. George Washington was a proprietor of a whiskey factory and his annual salary was $ 25000 but still according to some people he had to borrow money to reach his inauguration.
12. The circumstances of George Washington's death were astonishing when he died when his doctor removed 40% of his blood to treat a throttle infection. After his death, Napoleon declared a 10-day mourning in France.
13. Slavery was very prevalent in America during the time of George Washington. George also had many slaves and at that time slaves earned money by selling their teeth. He is said to have bought some of George's fake teeth from his slaves.
14. George had become against slavery before his death, so in his will George had expressed his desire to free all 300 slaves after his wife's death.
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