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Weather of Google translate

                    Information about google translate 

Google Translator

Friends, today we have brought you related information in this article from google translator, which can translate your language into 109 languages ​​of the world, especially for those whose English language is weak, for them it is nectar for the dead.  are equal.  Let's know about this directly now friends.  Who created Google translator, when Google translator was created, how many languages ​​Google translator translates. What are the benefits of Google Translator, and what are the disadvantages of Google Translator.

How was Google Translate created?

The idea for Google Translate was first planted in 2004, when co-founder Sergey Brin became frustrated with a translation program the company was licensing after it translated a Korean email into “The sliced raw fish shoes it wishes. ... That way, Google Translate can apply machine learning to the texts.

Can Google translate languages?

As of April 2020, Google Translate supports 109 languages at various levels and as of April 2016, claimed over 500 million total users, with more than 100 billion words translated daily.

Is the Google translator accurate?

According to Google's test of accuracy, Google Translate has mixed reviews. ... Overall, across all three languages, Google said its new tool is 60 percent more accurate than the old Google Translate tool, which used phrase-based machine translation, or PBMT.

How safe is Google Translate?

It shouldn't be your go-to source when handling creative documents, confidential data, or business-related content, however. Google Translate isn't a reliable provider for translating financial reports, legal contracts, or health-related documentation.

How do I turn off Google Translate popup?

This feature can be disabled by the following settings.

1. Open "Chrome" for Android.

2. Press the "Menu button" (3 dot icon)

3. Go to "Settings"

4. Under "Advanced" go to "Site Settings"

5. Tap "Google Translate" and turn it off by sliding the toggle button.

How do I fix Google Translate mistakes?

If you find any incorrect translations, please feel free to edit it. You would need to open this site https://translate.google.com and translate the same text. Now, click on the pencil icon below the translated text box, fix the poor translation and submit your edit.

Can We learn a language from Google Translate?

Well, we cannot exactly learn a language using Google Translate. You could familiarize yourself with a language, but you could not learn it. And by learn it, I mean learn to comprehend it when you hear it spoken, learn to read a text written in it, speak it and write in that language.

How do I use Google translator?

Download & use Google Translate

Step 1: Download the Google Translate app. To get started, download the Google Translate app for Android. ...

Step 2: Set up Google Translate. The first time you open Google Translate, you'll be asked to choose your primary language and the language you translate most often. ...

Step 3: Use Google Translate on the web.

How do I stop students using Google Translate?

Keeping Students Away From Google Translate

Make Expectations Clear. Clearly communicate what you will and won't allow students to do.

Explain Limitations of Translators. ...

Promote Good Tools. ...

Personalize The Curriculum. ...

Anticipate and De-incentivize Cheating. ...

Flip Your Classroom. ...

Use Higher Order Thinking Skills.

Can teachers tell if you use Google Translate?

Google Translate is an automatic translator, it is not based on grammar and makes professional translators horrify because of the often incorrect way in which they often translate. Short answer: It's not possible to know for sure :) Long answer: This is important problem but there is no proper solution.

Is iTranslate better than Google Translate?

Google Translate will also translate foreign phrases back into English, although iTranslate Voice is easier to use during an extended conversation. ... In terms of accuracy both tend to do well with Romanic languages such as French and Italian, but switch to Japanese and Google Translate offers more reliable results.

Who are the best translators in history?

St Jerome. One of the world's most famous translators – and certainly one of those whose work had the most influence in shaping the world – was St Jerome (347-420 AD). ...

Jorge Luis Borges. ...

Constance Garnett. ...

Gregory Rabassa. ...

Sir Richard Burton. ...

Edward George Seidensticker. ...

Final thoughts.

What is the best free translator?

You can even “save” words for easy access the next time you use Google Translate. That's a lot of options that could come in handy for language learners! The Google Translate app offers many of the same features as the web version and is available for iOS and Android.

What can I use instead of Google Translate?

Overview of Google Translate Alternatives

Tool                                                  Different languages                   App
Microsoft Translator                                60                                      Android, iOS, 
Windows, AmazonDict.cc                       27                                       Android, iOS
Linguee                                                      25                                        Android, iOS
Revers                                                        o9                                        Android, iOS

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